HC Deb 16 May 1918 vol 106 c556W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if he is aware that certain officers of the Royal Artillery serving in home stations and who have attained the age of fifty-five are being warned that they may shortly be placed on the unemployed list; and whether many of these officers are gentlemen who have been given temporary commissions from the ranks and who are well qualified to take the place of younger officers and others now employed in munitions and other Departments; and if he will suggest the same to these Departments?


Officers of the Royal Artillery are not placed on the unemployed list on attaining the age of fifty-five years unless it is necessary to move them to make room for serving officers. A certain number are moved for this purpose. Their names are submitted to the Ministry of Munitions, and a very large number are employed in this way. Any requests for employment in other Government Departments are also noted, and the names of the officers forwarded to-the Departments concerned. In addition to this, officers can register at the War Office for employment, and their names are circulated to all Government Departments.