HC Deb 14 May 1918 vol 106 cc204-5W

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will state the various countries which have joined the Allies in making war on Germany, with the dates on which each Power passed into the status of a belligerent; and whether he will give a list of those Powers which, though not at war, have suspended diplomatic relations with Germany?


The following countries have declared war on Germany:—

  • Russia, 1st August, 1914.
  • France, 3rd August, 1914.
  • Belgium, 3rd August, 1914.
  • Great Britain, 4th August, 1914.
  • Serbia, 6th August, 1914.
  • Montenegro, 9th August, 1914.
  • Japan, 23rd August, 1914.
  • Portugal, 9th March, 1916.
  • Italy, 28th August, 1916.
  • Roumania, 28th August, 1916.
  • United States, 6th April, 1917.
  • Cuba, 7th April, 1917.
  • Panama, 10th April, 1917.
  • Siam, 22nd July, 1917.
  • Liberia, 4th August, 1917.
  • Greece, 29th June, 1917.
  • China, 14th August, 1917.
  • Brazil, 26th October, 1917.
  • Guatemala, 23rd April, 1918.

The following countries have broken off diplomatic relations with Germany:—

  • Bolivia
  • Honduras
  • Nicaragua
  • Hayti
  • Santo Domingo
  • Costa Rica
  • Peru
  • Uruguay
  • Ecuador.