HC Deb 08 May 1918 vol 105 cc2177-8W

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office it his attention has been called to the case of Private Graham, No. 6487, 6th King's Liverpool Regiment, whose pay has been docked 6d. a day in order to provide for an allotment to his sister, Winifred Graham; whether the sister has ever received more than 3d. a day allotted to her; whether this state of things has been now going on for about a year and a half; what has become of the difference: whether the attention of the Paymaster, Record Office, Liverpool, was called to it on 25th July, 1917; and when is a settlement likely to be reached?


The documents in this case show that the soldier allotted Is. 9d. a week to his sister, which sum has been regularly paid to her, and that only this sum has been charged against his pay. I am unable to account for the impression that stoppage has been made at the rate of 6d. a day.

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