HC Deb 21 March 1918 vol 104 cc1199-200W

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office what is the financial arrangement existing between the Lunacy Board and the War Office by which accommodation in asylums or annexes of asylums, together with the services of the heads of asylums and of their staffs, are secured for the care and treatment of soldiers transiently invalided through uncertifiable nerve-strain; is the salary of these medical superintendents increased when gazetted to the Royal Army Medical Corps; what is the effect of such measures upon the industrial future of soldiers so detained; and will he consider the desirability of so altering the present arrangements as to protect from the risk of undeserved stigma soldiers who have been disabled in fighting for their country?


The War Office has taken over the whole of the staffs, whose pre-war salaries the War Office continues to pay. The quarterly bill of accounts is sent to the War Office by the visiting committees. The salaries of the superintendents are not increased, but they have the option of drawing the Army rates of their rank. So far as is known, these measures have no effect on the industrial future of soldiers so detained. There is no risk of stigma upon soldiers in these institutions, as they are now war hospitals, and the arrangements have worked entirely satisfactorily during the whole period of the War. If my hon. Friend would come to the War Office, I shall be glad to have the matter fully explained to him personally.