HC Deb 20 March 1918 vol 104 c998W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he has received complaints of a military officer stationed at Kilrush, West Clare, who recently marched a detachment of police and military, with fixed bayonets, through the villages of Doonbeg and Shragh, holding up all and sundry, and threatening with the bayonet people who had committed no offence; whether, between Doonbeg village and Doonbeg railway station, they searched a house and terrified a bedridden invalid; whether they destroyed the musical instruments of a boys' band, the soldiers pointing their bayonets at the boys' breasts to force them to produce their flutes; whether the Government has given a general order advising such proceedings; and, if so, whether the end sought is the pacification of Ireland?


I am informed that on the 10th March the military and police went to Doonbeg to prevent illegal drilling. Band instruments were destroyed at Shragh, and some houses were entered to seize instruments, but nothing is known as to any invalid. The statement that bayonets were used to terrify boys is without foundation. The band referred to as a boy's band was an ordinary Sinn Fein band.