HC Deb 11 March 1918 vol 104 c57W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if he is aware of a staff of between sixty and seventy clerks in the Infantry Record Office, Dublin, the majority only receive 30s. weekly, plus 2s. war bonus and 2s. overtime, total 34s., and that between eight and nine clerks receive 33s., plus 4s. war bonus, total 37s., and when they are to receive a war bonus, and if the same will be made retrospective; if he is aware that these clerks receive no weekly half-holiday such as is enjoyed by other military offices in the city; and when is this half-holiday to be granted?


Instructions have recently been issued which affect the pay of some of these clerks. I am not aware of any reason why these clerks should not have a weekly half-holiday when the state of the work admits it, provided that the regulated number of hours' work in the week is completed.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if he can announce the decision of the Arbitration Board into the claims for increased wages of civilian clerks in the Army Pay Department and Record Office in Dublin?


Instructions were issued last Friday.