HC Deb 24 June 1918 vol 107 c737W

asked the Home Secretary whether he will give the dietary scale allowed to interned British subjects, interned Germans (enemy aliens), British prisoners in civil prisons, German prisoners of war, and British soldiers undergoing sentences of court-martial, respectively; and in each of these cases to how many calories are the daily food allowances equivalent?


The dietary for camps in which civilians, whether Germans, British subjects, or others, are interned was stated by my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary in reply to a question by the hon. Member for York on the 5th March. This dietary is based upon the dietary scale for the general population as regards rationed articles. The value of the dietary for men engaged in work is approximately 3,000 calories. The dietary for civil prisons is also based on that for the general population for rationed articles. It is a diet framed for men who are engaged in work and who are not permitted to supplement it by purchases, and has an approximate value of 3,100 calories.