HC Deb 17 June 1918 vol 107 c42W

asked the Prime Minister (1) whether he is aware that the agricultural training and land settlement of disabled and demoblised soldiers and sailors at home and in the Empire is at present being considered and schemes are being prepared by the Department of Agriculture, by the Ministry of Pensions, by the Colonial Office, and by the Irish Office; whether it is proposed that this matter should also be considered by the Ministry of Reconstruction; what steps the Government proposes to take in order to secure the closest co-operation in framing these schemes and to avoid overlapping and the waste of public money in the Departments concerned; and whether the subject will come up for discussion and action at the Imperial War Cabinet now in Session; and (2) whether the Government are prepared to establish agricultural credit banks to provide the necessary capital for soldiers and sailors who may undergo training under any of the schemes now being developed by the Ministry of Pensions, Department of Agriculture, and by the Irish Office and Colonial Office respectively; and what steps the Government proposes to take in this matter?


A Committee appointed by the Cabinet is now considering this whole question. It will also, I have no doubt, be considered at the Imperial Conference.

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