§ One-third pay for widow, subject to a minimum of 13s. 9d. a week.
§ One-twenty-fourth pay for each child, subject to a minimum of—
- 5s. a week for first child.
- 4s. 2d. a week for second child.
- 3s. 4d. a week for third child.
- 2s. 6d. a week for fourth and each succeeding child.
§ In certain circumstances, allowances may be granted to other dependent relatives, and gratuities to widows on remarriage.
§ It has recently been arranged with the Ministry of Pensions that such of these officers and men as sign on for service 250W under the Admiralty for the period of the War shall be eligible for the pension benefits applicable to naval ranks and ratings.
§ Officers and men of the mercantile marine not in the pay of the Admiralty are dealt with by the Board of Trade, and they also are eligible for the benefits of a similar scheme administered by that Department through the War Risks Associations, provided the disablement or death be due to a war risk.
§ The question of instituting a national scheme of pensions for the mercantile marine has already been under consideration, and the Board of Admiralty is in sympathy with the proposal, but this matter is primarily one for the decision of the Board of Trade.