HC Deb 29 July 1918 vol 109 c69W
Colonel THORNE

asked the Minister of Labour if he is aware that the Committee on Production on 26th June heard the evidence in an application by the workmen's representatives in the engineering and shipbuilding trades for an advance of wages; that up to the present time no award has been given; if he is aware that the delay in issuing the award is causing unrest among the workmen in the trades; and can he state the reason for the delay in issuing the award?


The award to which my hon. Friend refers between the Engineering Employers' Federation and about fifty trade unions was issued on 24th July. My right hon. Friend is unaware of any unrest on the ground of alleged delay, as it is well known that these hearings take place at regular intervals with a view to changes in war wages at similar regular intervals of four months or such other dates as the tribunal may decide, in accordance with the terms of an agreement bertween the parties made in February, 1917. The last award dated from the beginning of April, and the present award is dated to take effect from early in August—that is, four months after the date of the last award.