HC Deb 24 July 1918 vol 108 cc1828-30W

In taking into consideration the present rates of separation allowances payable to wives or dependants of sailors, soldiers or airmen, the War Cabinet had due regard to the present supplementation of separation allowances paid by the Special Grants Committee and the Military Service (Civil Liabilities) Committee.

A. Gases Dealt with by the Special Grants Committees and Local War Pensions Committees.

  1. (i.) These cases are dealt with by the Special Giants Committee of the Ministry of Pensions, application being made to the local pensions committee. The allowance to wives towards rent, insurance premiums, and other contractual obligations, is made up to a maximum of 12s., but not to exceed the difference between present income of the household and the pre-enlistment income, after allowing for the saving resulting from the man's enlistment. Where the contractual obligations exceed 12s. a week the case is dealt with by the Military Service (Civil Liabilities) Committee.
  2. (ii.) Similar allowances are made to dependants other than wives, but limited to the difference between the separation allowance paid and the dependence existing when the man joined.
  3. (iii.) In addition to allowances under (i.) and (2) the Committee can give an allowance up to 10s. a week, if there is still a difference between the present income and the income before the outbreak of war, after allowing for the saving from the man's enlistment.
  4. (iv.) An allowance is made to childless wives and dependants unable to work, not exceeding 4s. a week, and in the case of dependants two-thirds of dependance assessed for separation allowance purposes.
  5. (v.) An allowance is made for children over fourteen who are physically unfit, or are at school, or are apprentices.
  6. (vi.) The motherless children rate of 7s. can be raised to a sum not exceeding 9s. 2d. When a motherless child requires special medical care, the amount can be raised to 13s. 6d.

B. Cases when the Contractual Obligations Exceeds. a week are dealt with, as stated above, by the Military Service (Civil Liabilities) Department,

which is empowered to grant assistance in respect of:


Interest and instalments payable in respect of loans, including mortgages;

Instalments payable under agreements for the purchase of business premises, a dwelling-house, furniture, and the like;

Rates and taxes;

Insurance premiums; and

School fees.

Grants may not be made at a rate exceeding £104 a year.

  1. (i.) Applications for assistance are investigated locally by barrister commissioners who report to the Department; the Department is assisted in dealing with applications by an advisory committee, who frame general rules as to the basis of considering application, and decide the amount of Grant to be awarded in special cases.
  2. (ii.) The Regulations governing the Civil Liabilities Scheme provide that assistance may only be granted in cases of serious hardship, and the advisory committee have framed general working rules to serve as a test whether serious hardship arises in any case.