HC Deb 22 July 1918 vol 108 cc1470-1W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been called to the case of Private W. Johnson, now of the Yeomanry, serving in France; whether he is aware of the following facts in connection with this ease, namely, that W. Johnson, after having gone through four years' training with the Northamptonshire Yeomanry, enlisted in October, 1914, in the 4th Northants Regiment; that on 29th October, 1914, he was promoted to be corporal, and on 25th August, 1915, he was further promoted to the rank of sergeant; that on 22nd October, 1915, he was, at his own request, transferred to the Northants Yeomanry, reverting to the rank of private; that on 29th January, 1916, he was appointed lance-corporal, and on 18th May, 1916, promoted to be squadron quartermaster-sergeant of the A Squadron, Northants Yeomanry, which was then acting as divisional cavalry; that on 15th June, 1917, he was transferred to a Reserve Cavalry regiment; that on 24th August, 1917, a notification appeared in regimental orders to the effect that Squadron Quartermaster-Sergeant Johnson was reverted to the rank of private; that W. Johnson had borne the highest character during all the previous time of his service, was thoroughly efficient, and was strongly recommended by his late commanding officer for further promotion, which recommendation, however, was not complied with; and that he is still serving as a private in the British Expeditionary Force in France; whether it is in conformity with Army Orders that a man, after serving with credit for three years as a non-commissioned officer, should be degraded to the rank of private for no fault of his own and be transferred to a strange regiment; and if, in conformity with Army Orders and in accordance with sound policy from the point of view of the popularity of the Army and its reputation for fair play, he proposes to take any action in the case?


I have again carefully looked into this case, and regret that no special action can be taken. Private Johnson held the acting rank of squadron quartermaster-sergeant, and on transfer at his own request to another unit he reverted to his substantive rank, in accordance with the regulations then in force. Instructions subsequently issued, in June, 1917, authorised substantive promotion for non-commissioned officers of the Territorial Force who held acting rank for the period from January, 1916, to January, 1917. Had Private Johnson not transferred to the Northants Yeomanry in October, 1915, he would no doubt have received such promotion if he had retained his acting rank for the requisite period.