HC Deb 18 July 1918 vol 108 c1252W
Colonel BURN

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether British medical officers, both of the Royal Army Medical Corps and of the Indian Medical Service, who are prisoners in Turkey are receiving smaller pay and allowances than when they were on active service in Mesopotamia or elsewhere, although they are still working as doctors; whether he will arrange that they be given the full pay and allowances which they drew on active service on receipt of certificates from them, or on other evidence, that they have had medical charge of prisoners; and whether those of them who drew free rations while on active service will be given an allowance in lieu for the period covered by such certificates or evidence?


British officers both of the Royal Army Medical Corps and of the Indian Medical Service are, on their release or exchange, credited with the full Indian pay of their substantive appointment for any period of their captivity during which they certify that they were fully employed with the care of British or Indian sick and wounded. Ration allowance is only issuable to officers when they are on active service.