HC Deb 02 July 1918 vol 107 c1574W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food if, in view of the scarcity of cheese and the difficulty complained of by many consumers of being unable to procure any, he will consider the issuing of ration tickets for this article the same as for butter, meat, and other articles, so as to prevent the complaints of those who are unable to procure supplies?


A scheme is now being prepared to ensure an equitable distribution of home-produced cheese. It is hoped to put it into operation by the middle of July. Owing to the considerable variation in the consumption of cheese between mining and agricultural areas and other areas, it is not thought desirable to introduce a uniform national scheme of rationing for cheese, but food control committees have been informed that they will be at liberty to adopt local rationing schemes for cheese, and that spare spaces which are available in the new National Ration Books may be used for this purpose.