HC Deb 31 January 1918 vol 101 c1761W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he is aware that the Dublin Corporation Land Cultivation Committee have received applications for plots from 3,000 workers willing to produce food; whether he will now recommend the handing over of a portion of the Phœnix Park for the purpose; if he is aware that by compulsory powers that land only sufficient for 500 applicants has been obtained; and what is to be done with the balance of the applications?


Last year the Dublin Corporation provided 1,200 allotments, and I am informed they have received about 2,000 additional applications for plots this year. They have 112 acres available for allotments in addition to what they had last year. The Local Government Board have suggested to the corporation that allotments of one-sixteenth of an acre should be given, and, if this suggestion is adopted, the additional land will provide for nearly 1,800 of the new applications. It was decided last year, after full consideration, that the Phœnix Park could not be made available for allotments, but certain Crown lands in the neighbourhood of the Park were made available.