HC Deb 23 January 1918 vol 101 c996W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food (1) whether, in view of his promise that the claims of those who abstain from eating flesh should have consideration in any rationing scheme, he will appoint to the consumers' council one or more representatives of societies familiar with food questions, and especially with the needs of vegetarians; and (2) whether, in any scheme of compulsory rations, he will make provision whereby those who abstain from flesh of animals may obtain the equivalent of the meat thus saved in the form of fat, pulse, and cereals other than wheat; can he state the exact amount of such substituted allowance; whether special cards will be issued to enable non-flesh-eating consumers to obtain such extra non-flesh ration; and, if not, what other method will be adopted?


The composition of the consumers' council has been left entirely to the decision of the national bodies representing organised labour (both men and women) and representing the co-operative movement. No local or separate society of any kind has been approached. The needs of vegetarians are not being lost sight of in the framing of ration proposals, but. it would be premature to make an announcement on this matter at the present stage, and I do not. think that representation upon the consumers' council in the manner suggested by the hon. Member is necessary to secure full consideration of the point raised.

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