HC Deb 23 January 1918 vol 101 c1002W

asked the Minister of National Service whether the officers taker. over from the War Office by the Ministry of National Service are to be paid salaries equivalent to the emoluments that they received from. the War Office, taking into account the increased rate of pay for officers recently announced?


The salaries paid to officers who have been transferred to the Ministry of National Service are commensurate with the positions occupied by such officers. As stated in my reply to my lion. and gallant Friend the Member for Enfield on the 6th December last, in any ease where such salary would not adequately compensate an officer for the loss of the military privileges in respect of Income Tax and Army gratuity, he receives an allowance which brings his aggregate income received from the Ministry up to a level which is fair in the circumstances of his case at the date of his transfer. The question of increasing this allowance on a scale corresponding with the increased rate of pay recently announced is under consideration. I may add that. the increase referred to has not yet come into force in the Army.