HC Deb 21 January 1918 vol 101 c690W

asked the Minister of Reconstruction if, in view of his statement in an address to the British Institute of Social Service that before some industries could restart the necessary implements must be provided and that the works which supplied that machinery were full of foreign orders, for which large sums had been paid to secure priority of execution, lie will say whether the Government will take steps to ensure that British industry, where it has had to bear the burden of a war effort and to adapt itself to war requirements, shall not be detrimentally affected in its reversion to peace conditions by enhanced expenditure due to price-raising effected by competitors in countries which had not had to make a war effort of a similar character; and whether steps will be taken to ensure that payments for priority of execution ostensibly made by neutrals are not in fact made on behalf of enemy firms or companies or for the purpose of obtaining goods which are intended for transmission to ultimate enemy purchasers?


Those questions are being carefully investigated. In the imports and Exports Restriction Bill powers are sought to take certain steps in the direction suggested.

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