HC Deb 08 August 1918 vol 109 cc1574-5W

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether he can state the last day for claiming to be placed on the register of electors for the respective universities by persons whose names do not appear on the provisional lists of electors for such universities?


The Representation of the People Act does not fix any date for this purpose, and, in view of the provisions contained in Section 19 of the Act, the matter seems to be within the discretion of the governing body of the several universities concerned.


asked the President of the Local Government Board whether claims can be made on behalf of persons entitled to be registered as university electors but debarred from claiming personally, owing to the fact that they are serving in His Majesty's Forces in various parts of the world?


I am not empowered to determine the question, but I am not aware of any Statutory provision which would prevent such a claim as is referred to being made.


asked the President to the Local Government Board whether he is aware that notwithstanding the provisions of Rule 6 of Schedule 1 of the Representation of the People Act, which authorises registration officers to issue the lists of electors on or before the date fixed for the publication of the lists, none of the lists were issued by the registration officer for Manchester until the 29th of June, although the lists for several of the divisions and wards were in his pos- session; and will he issue instructions that the example set by the registration officer for Glasgow may safely be followed by registration officers throughout the country?


I am in communication with the registration officer on the subject.


asked the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that applications by party agents and by the Press for a statement of the number of the Parliamentary and local government electors contained in the lists published on the 29th June have not been granted in every case by the registration officer concerned; whether he sees any objection to such information being supplied; and whether he will inform registration officers generally that the public may safely be entrusted with the figures, and that the disclosure of such information cannot be regarded as being dangerous and harmful to the community as a whole?


Registration officers are not required to tabulate the electors' lists, and I am not aware of any cases in which statements of the kind referred to have been communicated to the party agents or the Press. An official Return on the subject will be made when the register is complete.

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