HC Deb 07 August 1918 vol 109 cc1386-7W

asked the Under-Secretary of State to the Air Ministry whether several of the senior officers of the Women's Royal Air Force have resigned since the present commandant, the deputy-commandant, and the assistant-deputy-commandants were appointed; whether he is aware that at present there is a feeling of dissatisfaction in the force with the present commandant; and whether, in view of this dissatisfaction, he will institute a full inquiry into the causes?


Two senior officers of the Women's Royal Air Force have resigned since the appointment of the present commandant. The Air Council have every confidence in this lady's ability and discretion, and they see no need for an inquiry of the nature suggested in the last part of the question.


asked the Under-Secretary of State to the Air Ministry if he will state the previous experience of the present commandant of the Women's Royal Air Force, and the reasons for her appointment to the position?


Miss Douglas Pennant has for more than six years been a member of the National Health Insurance Commission for Wales, and she had previously served as a co-opted member of the London Education Committee. She was appointed to her present position because her experience and qualifications rendered her, in the view of the Air Council, the most suitable person available to carry out the duties attaching to it.