HC Deb 01 August 1918 vol 109 cc659-60W

asked the Secretary for Scotland if he will state the conditions of the financial assistance given by or through the Board of Agriculture for Scotland to the Scottish Smallholders' Organisation, Limited; and what sums have been so granted or lent and, if lent, at what rate of interest, to this organisation and its associated undertakings, Scottish Central Markets, Limited, and Scottish Central Land Bank, Limited, respectively, in each of the years 1915, 1916, and 1917?


During each of the years 1915, 1916, and 1917 the Board have assisted the Scottish Smallholders' Organisation Society and Land Bank by making a Grant from the Agriculture (Scotland) Fund equal to one-half of the administrative expenditure of the society as approved by the Board, but not exceeding £600 in all. In accordance with these conditions Grants were paid as follows:

In respect of the year 1915 £592 17 0
In respect of the year 1916 £532 6 8
In respect of the year 1917 £600 0 0
In addition, during each of the years 1916 and 1917 the Board made a special Grant of three-fourths of the salary of the Land Bank Inspector, namely, £168 15s. for 1916 and £158 6s. 3d. for 1917.

With regard to the Scottish Central Markets, the Board have given short term loans to enable the markets to supply seeds and manures on advantageous terms to smallholders. The loan in each case has been free of interest, and the conditions fixed by the Board have been (1) that the loan should he secured by the personal guarantees of the directors of the markets, and (2) that repayment should be made within twelve months from the date of the first advance.

The following loans were made in respect of the years 1915–16, 1916–17, and 1917–18:

1915–16 £500 repaid
1916–17 £500 repaid
1917–18 £1,300