HC Deb 01 August 1918 vol 109 cc639-40W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that men whose national status and liability for military service under the Military Service (Conventions with Allied States) Act, 1917, remain to be determined and who are entitled to submit their claims to exemption from service to a Civil Court comprising a judge and jury have, under a mistaken view of the law as to the jurisdiction of stipendiary magistrates to do more than commit such men, been handed over to a military escort; whether he is aware that direct orders have been given by the War Office to commanding officers of Labour battalions that, so long as a man who challenges his liability to serve is not released from service, he is to be treated in the same way as any other man and included in drafts for dispatch abroad; and if he will further consider the regularity of this course, and, in the meanwhile, give directions that such men shall be retained in this country for Home service?


I am not aware of any cases where men have been handed over to military escorts in the circumstances stated in the first part of my hon. Friend's question. As regards other men, when applications have been made by individuals, they have been retained on Home service whilst inquiries have been made.