HC Deb 24 April 1918 vol 105 c1006W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether any rule exists prohibiting the transfer of officers of Customs and Excise to other Government Departments; if so, will he state the nature of the rule; and whether the same rule applies to all other branches of the Civil Service?


As regards transfers from one Department to another, the general rule of the Civil Service is that such transfers can only be made with the consent of the heads of both Departments concerned. There is no rule specially dealing with the case of officers of Customs and Excise. The practice of Departments under this rule is, of course, governed by the circumstances of the given Department at any particular time. In ordinary circumstances the Board of Customs and Excise do not interpose obstacles to such transfers, but at present, in consequence of the shortage of their trained staff due to the release of men for military service, the provision to be made for additional work arising out of the War, and the cessation of the ordinary methods of recruitment, they have been reluctantly compelled to withhold their permission.