HC Deb 16 April 1918 vol 105 c232W

asked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland) whether the extra facilities granted in England in regard to freshwater fish and fishing have been extended to Ireland; have any representations in this connection been received by his Department; and will he explain his Department's attitude in this matter?


If the hon. Member refers to an Order made by the Food Controller on the 14th March entitled the Freshwater Fish (England and Wales) Order, 1918, I would point out that the Order is practically identical with the Freshwater Fish (Ireland) Order issued about a year ago. Under the powers conferred on them the Department of Agriculture have made Orders giving facilities for the extension of the capture of freshwater fish in every case in which such a course seemed desirable, but no general power of fishing in fresh water is given to the public in either the English or the Irish Order.