HC Deb 22 November 1917 vol 99 cc1391-2W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to the gravity of the situation that is impending in the cotton trade in consequence of the shortage in the supply of raw cotton; whether this is due mainly to difficulties of shipping; and whether he is taking any steps in the matter?


The Cotton Control Board which my right hon. Friend set up in the summer to take control of the distribution of supplies of raw cotton have kept him fully advised as to the difficulties which face the cotton trade as a result of the shortage of American cotton, and their representations are receiving his earnest consideration. This shortage is mainly due to the difficulty of finding adequate space for the transport of cotton to this country, leaving regard to the pressing necessity of maintaining the imports of necessary foodstuffs and munitions materials. All practicable steps are being and will continue to be taken to meet the situation, having regard to the present shortage of tonnage.