HC Deb 22 November 1917 vol 99 cc1379-80W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he will cause full inquiry to be made into the ease of Private C. W. Smillie, No. 205507, D Company, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, whose home address is in Sheffield; whether he is aware that before enlistment this soldier was rejected seven times, his height being 4 ft. 10 in. and his weight 20 lbs. less than his kit; whether he is aware that the medical officer of the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, certifying this soldier to be unfit for marching and holding a rifle, sent him to Wareham Camp as being fit for the tanks; that three days later he was rejected for the tanks and returned to his regiment; and that he was then sent by his officers to Blackpool in order to be attached to the Royal Army Medical Corps, but was again rejected and returned to his unit; whether this soldier has now been placed on draft for overseas; and whether, before any further step is taken, a thorough and independent medical investigation will be made into the facts of his case?


This man was very carefully examined by all the members of the medical board at the time of enlistment, and he was found to be in good health and with no physical defects. His weight was below standard; but the board considered that, with gradual training and Army life, at the end of his four months' training he should gain weight, and, if not fit for the actual firing line, he would be fit for employment in the Tank Corps. It was subsequently found that he was unsuitable for that corps, and it was then decided to try him in the Royal Army Medical Corps. Owing, however, to his small stature, it was found that he was of no use for handling stretchers or for sick nursing. Orders were accordingly issued for his transfer to Labour Corps, in which it is possible to find work suitable for his height and physique, and there is no reason why he should not be made available, in the ordinary course, for drafting overseas.