HC Deb 22 November 1917 vol 99 c1396W

asked the hon. Member for Sheffield (Central Division) how soon it is hoped that the conference between the Turks and the English with reference to an exchange of prisoners can take place; whether an attempt will be made to include in the arrangements prisoners who are not actually wounded or seriously ill; and what is the present state of the negotiations with reference to permission being obtained for a neutral person to visit and report on the camps where prisoners are interned?


It is anticipated that the conference between British and Turkish delegates at Berne will take place shortly, but the British representatives will not proceed there until information has been received that responsible Turkish delegates hale left Constantinople. It has been frequently stated that His Majesty's Government are opposed to the exchange of valid combatants. The Turkish Government have consented to an official from the Netherlands Legation at Constantinople visiting internment camps for the purpose of ascertaining the requirements of winter clothing, but not for the purpose of general inspection and report. Opportunity will be taken of the Berne conference to demand that full and unrestricted facilities for the latter purpose shall also be granted.