HC Deb 22 November 1917 vol 99 c1397W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that Daniel Coughlan, a tenant on the Abraham Jagoe Estate at Rathravane, Ballydehob, county Cork, was, in the month of October, arrested and confined in the Cork Prison through inability to liquidate a decree of the County Court in respect of arrears of rent; that the holding is a sterile tract of 7 acres of bog and mountain, and that it is not worth 5s. a year although the rent is £2 10s. a year; that the tenant has frequently offered to surrender the holding to the landlord, who would not accept it; whether he can state the exact cost of arresting this tenant, the cost of his conveyance to the Cork Prison, and the cost of his maintenance while there confined; and what proportion of these costs falls on the landlord and the public, respectively?


Daniel Coughlan was arrested by a special bailiff on the 19th October and lodged in Corn Prison under committal for fourteen days. Though able to do so he refused to pay the debt he owed in respect of the rent of about 7 acres of bog and rough land. The holding lies between a public road and a farm on which Coughlan lives and a passage runs through it. Coughlan cuts his year's supply of turf fuel on the holding. I am informed that he offered to surrender the land thinking that no one would take it, and that he would have it rent free. I believe this man's action has caused considerable charge on public funds, but I am not able to give details.