HC Deb 21 November 1917 vol 99 c1206W

asked the Postmaster-General if he will state the wages paid to Mary Elizabeth Orchard, postwoman at Milford Haven, recently convicted of stealing £3,000 in course of transmission by post; whether he is aware that she was only seventeen years of age; whether many girls of this age are employed as postwomen; and whether he will reconsider if it is desirable in the public interest to expose young persons on low wages to such temptation?


The weekly wages paid in this case were 15s. plus 4s. war bonus. The rule is that no woman under twenty years of age should be employed as postwoman unless no suitable person over that age is obtainable. No such person was available at Milford Haven when Orchard was engaged. I may mention that the girl only obtained access to the stolen money by opening a registered letter bag contrary to her duty. I fully agree with my hon. Friend that the employment of girls of this age is undesirable, but under present conditions there is sometimes no alternative. I have no information as to the number at present employed.