HC Deb 20 November 1917 vol 99 c1031W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he has taken any steps to amend the Light Railways and Tramways (Ireland) Act to enable capitalists to proceed as quickly as possible for powers to get the necessary facilities for the development of the industries of the country; will he, at least, grant the same powers to the Light Railways and Tramways (Ireland) Act as are granted by the Board of Trade to the Light Railways and Tramways Statutory Rules and Orders, No. 1,380, of 1914 (England), which enables the necessary documents, plans, and books of reference, etc., to be lodged with the county council and local authorities in any month of the year instead of twice a year as at present in Ireland; and, if not, will he get this amendment inserted in the Light Railways and Tramways Acts (Ireland) immediately?


It is provided by general rules made in 1913 that applications under the English Light Railways Acts should be submitted to the Light Railway Commissioners in May or November, and by the further rule, to which the hon. Member refers, applications may be made in any other month with the consent of the Commissioners. Irish county councils are only required to meet quarterly, and I am advised that any amendment should be limited to permitting applications in Ireland to he made to county councils at any quarterly meeting, but legislation would be nece[...]sary to effect the change, and I see no prospect of it at present. I have no reason to believe that any actual inconvenience has been caused by the existing limitation.

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