HC Deb 14 November 1917 vol 99 c401W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether there was recently a military policeman on duty on Portadown platform, part of whose duty it was to prevent passengers from Londonderry and Omagh directions from travelling on the evening mail from Belfast and Dublin; End, if so, is he still charged with these duties?


No military policeman has been on duty at Portadown railway station. The hon. Member no doubt refers to an incident which occurred some weeks ago. A sergeant-major in charge of a military detachment travelling from Omagh direction asked for accommodation for his men on the evening mail. The accommodation was provided by removing civilian passengers for Dublin who were not cross-channel passengers from a third-class carriage.

As I informed the hon. Member on 31st October, third-class passengers from the Londonderry and Omagh direction are not entitled to travel by the evening mail to Dublin unless they hold tickets for England via Kingstown.