HC Deb 20 March 1917 vol 92 cc620-1W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War why a gardener who had been declared unfit for service abroad more than once was recently called up for home service and sent off to Bristol to work as a bricklayer's labourer?


My hon. Friend has kindly furnished me with the particulars of this case, and I am now making inquiries. I will let him know the result without delay.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if he will inquire into the case of a man who has been called up for service, leaving his father, aged sixty-seven, and quite unable to work the farm; and, in view of the fact that this man has been sent south to work on a farm, will he see that adequate labour is supplied for the working of the farm that he has left or else that he be returned there until his services for military purposes are required?


I have only just received particulars of the case which my hon. Friend has in mind. I am making inquiries, and will let my hon. Friend know as soon as possible.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for War why a person who was granted exemption by both local and Appeal Tribunals on the ground that he was doing important national service has now been called up and the affairs of an important firm under contract to supply the Royal Navy with meat prejudiced?


I have received some further details about this man, and will have local inquiry made. I will inform my hon. Friend of the result as soon as possible.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if his attention has been (sailed to the case of Private George Walter Lansby, of the Buffs Regiment, who enlisted on 12th February, wrote on 14th March that he was getting over the effects of inoculation splendidly to his wife, who later, on the date of receiving this letter, got a telegram from Dover Hospital announcing his death; whether his death was attributed to pneumonia and heart failure; when pneumonia set in; and whether, following inoculation, pneumonia frequently supervenes and not infrequently results in death?


I have called for a report on this case, and the hon. Member will be informed of the result.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he will make inquiries into the case of Private Edgar Reed, No. 65217, 16th Subsection, 4th Platoon, 6th Work Company, Durham Light Infantry, 6th Division, who is said to be suffering from tuberculosis, heart complaint, and varicose veins; whether Reed offered himself for military service six times and was on each occasion rejected on medical grounds; whether he subsequently attested, and when called up for medical examination his papers were marked medically unfit for any category of work; whether, notwithstanding this fact, he has now been placed in Class B 2 and sent out to France; and, if so, whether he will see that Reed is discharged from the Army?


I have no information on this case, but I am making inquiries, and will let my hon. Friend know the result.