HC Deb 19 March 1917 vol 91 c1569W

asked the Home Secretary what has happened to the 317 conscientious objectors, the difference between the total (3,025) reported to the Central Tribunal as alleging that their offences were prompted by a conscientious objection to military service, and those already reported on (2,369) and those awaiting examination (339) by the Central Tribunal?


I am informed by the Central Tribunal that the difference includes men who were given an opportunity of having their cases dealt with by the tribunal under the scheme, but declined to avail themselves of it, and also men who with their consent were recommended for non-combatant service in the Army or were dealt with in some other special way.


asked if Ronald Smith, a conscientious objector recently attached to the works centre, Warwick, has been arrested by the military authorities and taken to the 5th Royal Warwick Regiment, Catterick, Yorkshire; if he has since been released; if his arrest was due to a mistake made by the military authorities; and, if so, what it is proposed to do by way of compensation to this man for his arrest?


Inquiry is being made, and I will inform my hon. Friend of the result.