HC Deb 15 March 1917 vol 91 cc1309-10W

asked the Home Secretary whether ho will lay upon the Table of the House the exact terms of reference under which the Committee on Employment of Conscientious Objectors is acting; whether this Committee is in existence by virtue of any Statute, Regulation, or Order in Council, and the terms of such Statute, Regulation, or Order in Council; what were the personnel and emoluments, if any, of this Committee on the 24th February; and how many Home Office officials are occupied in administering this scheme?


The functions of the Committee on Employment of Conscientious Objectors, as laid down by my predecessor, are to determine to what kind of work the men referred to them should be set on their release from prison, and under what conditions; to ascertain whether they would be willing to give an undertaking, if released from prison, that they would perform with due diligence the work under civil authority to which they were set; to organise the necessary establishments and provide for supervision; to make recommendations with a view to the financing of any schemes which may be adopted; and other incidental matters. No Statute, Regulation, or Order in Council is necessary to enable the Committee to exercise these functions.

On the 24th February the Committee consisted of Mr. Brace, M.P. (Chairman), Sir Matthew Nathan, G.C.M.G., Sir Thomas Elliott, K.C.B., and Sir Alexander McHardy, K.C.B.

No member of the Committee receives any emoluments in respect of his work for the Committee. One Home Office official is engaged for the whole of his time and four for a part of their time on the administrative work of the Committee. The secretary of the Committee and the rest of the staff are temporary officers.