HC Deb 08 March 1917 vol 91 cc573-4W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that the Sligo Rural District Council have requested the Irish Government to give them permission to purchase seed potatoes within their own area to supply the necessary seed grants in connection with the Irish food production scheme, 1917; that the district council have offered to buy the class of potatoes which the Department of Agriculture have sanctioned, namely, "Up-to-Dates; that the council can purchase those locally for £l 10s. per ton less than the Government can supply them; and whether, in view of these facts, as President of the Department, he will see that sanction is given to the district council to purchase its potatoes locally?


An order for the potatoes, oats, and manures required by the council has been placed and the supplies are being dispatched. It is not practicable, therefore. to accede to the council's suggestion for local purchase.


asked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland) how many licences were issued in the months of November and December, 1916, and January and Februry, 1917, for the export of potatoes from Ireland; and will he now give the name or state the towns where the licensees operate?


In a reply given on the 19th ultimo to the hon. Members for East Wick-low and North Louth, figures for the export of potatoes for the period from 21st December up to the 31st January last were given, but during the month of February an additional 1,700 tons were exported under licence. A statement giving the names and addresses of the traders who were granted export licences will be supplied to the hon. Member.


asked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland) if he will at once arrange for a level price of £10 per ton to be paid for potatoes in Ireland until, say, July, with a view to ending the holding-back process for the extra £l per month?


Questions relating to the fixing of prices of prices for potatoes should be addressed to the Food Controller.

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