HC Deb 08 March 1917 vol 91 c575W

asked what amount of foodstuffs were exported from this country in the months of January and February, 1917, exclusive of foodstuffs sent to our Armies in the field; and what were the chief items of such exports, giving the tonnage or value of such items?


Particulars of such exports will be published in the monthly accounts relating to trade and navigation for February, which will be issued in the course of a few days.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he has yet decided to prohibit the export of foodstuffs from Ireland; if he is aware that in many parts of Ireland farmers are holding back their supplies of potatoes from the markets in order to obtain good prices from English buyers; and what steps are being taken to avoid a repetition of the famine of 1847?


With the exception of supplies for Army and Navy purposes, the export of potatoes and oats from Ireland is at present prohibited save under licence from the Department of Agriculture. The reason why farmers are holding back their potatoes would appear to be with a view to reaping the advantage of the increased price for potatoes fixed by the Food Controller for the month of April. All possible steps are being taken to safeguard the potato supply in Ireland for the coming season.

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