HC Deb 21 June 1917 vol 94 cc1978-9W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he is aware that the Irish Forestry Society urges the Government to review the denudation of forest areas in Ireland at present, and, as timber is being largely exported for war purposes, urge recognition of the fact that this denudation has been steadily increasing during the last half-century, the area under woods having decreased by about 20,000 acres in that period, and desire that steps should be taken whereby all owners of land holding suitable planting areas should be encouraged and assisted in afforestation, and the Department of Agriculture be provided with funds to carry out planting schemes on an adequate scale; and if he will say what the Government proposals are in this matter?


I am aware of the recommendations to which the hon. Member refers. The Department of Agriculture have submitted proposals to the Develop- ment Commissioners, with a view to the replanting of areas cleared and the extension of planting. Operations on the lands acquired for forestry are being continued only so far as is necessary to prevent loss. The Reconstruction Committee are, I believe, considering a scheme of reafforestation for Great Britain and Ireland.