HC Deb 20 June 1917 vol 94 cc1801-2W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Shipping whether during the month of May any ships bringing food to this country were sunk after arriving at one port and before reaching another; and, if so, why he cannot arrange for ships to discharge their cargoes at the first port they reach?


There were two cases during the month of May in which ships which were bringing food to this country were sunk after arriving at one port in this country and before reaching another. One ease is that which was referred to in my answer to the right hon. Baronet the Member for Hartlepool on the 16th May, and the other occurred since that date. It is impossible to explain in public the true nature of these cases, but I shall be glad to give my hon. Friend further information about them privately. I may add that it is quite impossible in all cases to discharge ships at the first port they reach; whenever practicable this is done, and similarly every effort is made to arrange that a vessel shall discharge and load at one and the same port in this country. The hon. Member may rest assured that a departure from this rule is allowed only where the circumstances of a particular case unquestionably demand it.

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