HC Deb 14 June 1917 vol 94 c1143W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland why the claims to increased old age pensions of Thomas Scahill and Celia Scahill, his wife, of Turlough, Castlebar, county Mayo, were rejected on appeal by the local pension officer; and whether the claimants have any means whatever except their old age pensions of 5s. per week each and lodgings provided for them at his residence by their son-in-law, a herd, who has to support a large family?


It was determined that the joint means of Thomas Scahill and Celia Scahill, his wife, exceeded 19s. 6d. a week, the limit fixed for the granting of an additional allowance.

Their means were estimated as follows:

Old age pensions … 10s. a week.

Value of maintenance 5s. a week each, making a total of £l a week.