HC Deb 12 June 1917 vol 94 c779W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food what offer, referring to the sale of this season's crop of potatoes, was announced by the Food Controller before the 23rd February, 1917?


The Food Controller announced in January that minimum prices would be guaranteed to growers of potatoes of the 1917 main crop at rates for first quality potatoes ranging from 115s. to 130s. per ton, according to the date of delivery after 15th September. This announcement was varied and expanded by two subsequent announcements. On 23rd February the Prime Minister stated in the House of Commons that there would be a uniform rate of £6 per ton. On 2nd May a notice was inserted in the Press by the President of the Board of Agriculture, after consultation with the Food Controller, stating that the Government would guarantee to the grower a price of £6 per ton f.o.r. or f.o.b., for all sound marketable ware potatoes, grown in 1917, which will not pass through a 1⅝ inch riddle, in lots of not less than four tons, on and after 15th September, 1917.