HC Deb 12 June 1917 vol 94 c781W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether each of the Irish political refugees banished from Ireland without charge or trial last February was at that time invited to sign a form indicating his own choice of a place in which he would reside; whether any notice has since been served on those refugees of the withdrawal of that freedom of choice; and what is the intention of the Government with reference to those of them who have exercised that freedom of choice and are now residing in places not chosen for them by the English Government?


As I informed the hon. Member some time since, none of the deportees was asked to sign any form. Each person was given choice of various localities in England in which he might reside, and the selection made was acceded to in the cases where choice was exercised. Since the deportees came to England they have been under the jurisdiction of competent military authorities in this country. I have no knowledge of the whereabouts of any deportee who is not residing in the place designated for his residence.

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