HC Deb 05 June 1917 vol 94 c45W

asked the Minister of Munitions whether William M'Hugh, of Dublin, lent by the tramway company to Woolwich Arsenal, has been refused compensation for injury to his thumb on 30th January, which became poisoned and has completely disabled him; whether the ground of refusal stated to his solicitor by the acting superintendent on 10th May is that the incapacity would have been avoided if M'Hugh had obtained medical aid on 30th January instead of 18th February; is a workman who has a wife and seven children solely dependent on him, and who came to England at the instance of the Government, to be reduced to beggary on such grounds; does it often occur that workmen do not realise the danger of apparently slight wounds; and is M'Hugh to be penalised for his lack of surgical knowledge?


Compensation is not, in fact, payable in this case. It was refused on the ground that the medical certificate indicated that the incapacity of the workman would have been avoided if he had secured immediate medical attention. In view, however, of the fact that M'Hugh was specially lent to the Arsenal authorities and was possibly not cognisant of the arrangements at the Arsenal for dealing with slight injuries immediately they occur, my right hon. Friend is considering whether he cannot make a special application to the Treasury to allow some compensation as an act of grace.