HC Deb 12 July 1917 vol 95 c2143W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether officers of the Indian Army unemployed list have been prevented from retiring during the War by special orders of the Army Council, although unlikely to be required for active service owing to age or other causes; whether these officers, who but for such special orders might find remunerative civil employment, have a deduction made from their unemployed Indian pay when employed by the Army Council; whether the rules under which this deduction is made were framed at the request of, or after consultation with, the War Office; and, if so, will he say under what Regulation or by what authority does the Army Council act in making it a condition of employment under the War Office of officers of the Indian Army unemployed list that a deduction shall be made from the pay to which they are entitled in virtue of completed service in India?


I dealt with the question of the pay of these officers very fully in my answer to the hon. and gallant Member for Melton on the 29th November last, and I have nothing to add except that the rules in question were made in consultation with the War Office.