HC Deb 09 July 1917 vol 95 cc1619-20W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if lie will inquire into the system of detailing escort duty in Londonderry Prison, and will he see that the duty is fairly detailed; how officers may be expected to gain a knowledge of duty they are never permitted to perform; how long officers are to do ordinary duty and local escorts before they are qualified to do the more important duty; is there a precedent in any other prison for this differentiation in the treatment of warders; can he give the names of the two warders who asked to be exempted from, escort duty; and will he see that more consideration is shown in the administration of the prisons in Ireland?


The arrangements for escort duty at all prisons are necessarily left-to the discretion of the governor, who is legally responsible for the custody of prisoners. Knowledge of the duties is easily attained, but as to the trustworthiness of the officers selected the governor must be the judge. I cannot, in the interests of the public service, give the personal particulars asked for.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if the scale of pay and allowances in the Irish prison service has been assimilated to that in force in England; why a trades warder in the Irish prison service is paid at the unpensionable rate of 8d. per day, while employed at his trade, while a man in a similar position in England receives an annual pensionable allowance of £18; by how much the annual pension of an Irish trades warder having thirty years' service who, prior to the new scale of salaries coming into operation, was in receipt of an annual pensionable allowance of £10 will be reduced by the forfeiture of his annual pensionable allowance of £10 and the substitution therefore of 8d. per day; and the annual difference in pension between that of a trades warder serving in the English prisons service and another in the Irish prisons service each having thirty years' service?


This matter has been disposed of by a recent decision, and I cannot enter into the details of the matter in a discussion by question and answer