HC Deb 19 February 1917 vol 90 c1011W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he has considered the memorial of the sub-town tenants at Middletown, county Armagh, that facilities may be afforded to them to purchase their holdings under the Land Purchase Acts in the same manner as has been done in other towns in Ireland; and if any decision has yet been arrived at on the subject?


Proceedings were instituted by the owners of this estate for sale to the Estates Commissioners under Secion 6 of the Irish Land Act, 1903. The estate comprised, in addition to agricultural lands, certain premises in the town of Middletown. The Estates Commissioners carefully considered the position of the occupiers of the town premises, which were mostly held by weekly or monthly sub-tenants, but the Commissioners could not see their way to make advances under the Land Purchase Acts to these sub-tenants for the purchase of the premises in their occupation. The memorial referred to by the hon. member has been forwarded to the Estates Commissioners for consideration.