§ Sir H. NORMANasked the Under-Secretary of State for War if he will state whether there is in London a hospital established by private beneficence for the special care of officers suffering from paralysis as the result of wounds; whether only three or four beds have recently been occupied by such officers, while a number suffering from paralysis have been retained in other hospitals; whether a number of beds in this special hospital have now been taken over by the War Office for ordinary cases; and whether he will take steps to secure that this special hospital shall, so far as its accommodation permits, be devoted to the purpose for which it was treated?
§ Mr. MACPHERSONI am informed that this hospital was established for paralysed officers, who had been discharged from the Service. It was found after some time that there was only a limited demand for beds for such cases, and the authorities of the hospital applied for it to be used for serving officers as other private hospitals are used.