HC Deb 23 April 1917 vol 92 cc2050-1W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he has now made representations, as requested during the recess by the hon. Member for South Kerry so as to secure the withdrawal of the restrictions respecting the forwarding of fish by rail from Cahirciveen; why concessions were granted to Scottish and Welsh fish merchants and refused to Irish; whether, in view of the institution of meatless days and of the necessity of providing fish as a substitute for meat. he will state why the fishing areas on the coast of Kerry have been, in the first place, restricted, and, in the second place, why further restrictions on the consequently reduced quantity of fish which can be caught have been imposed; and whether, in view of the fact that Cahirciveen and Valentia are the most important centres for the consignment of fish by rail to Irish and English markets from that portion of the Kerry coast, he will secure that both methods of restriction now in force will be abolished?


The restrictions on fishing off the Kerry coast were imposed for the protection of our coasts and shipping, and the senior naval officer reports that he does not consider it safe to relax them so long as present conditions continue. With regard to the railway restrictions, I am communicating with the various Departments concerned.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether Dingle fishermen whose boats could not be used owing to the Admiralty order and who have suffered severe losses on that account will have some compensation paid them in respect of their losses?


I have nothing to add to the answer given by my right hon. Friend the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty to the hon. Member for West Cork on 28th March.