HC Deb 04 April 1917 vol 92 cc1307-8W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he can state the reasons upon which the Local Government Board decided that the means of John Crowe, Ballagh, Cashel, county Tipperary, precluded the payment to him of the extra 2s. 6d. per week old age pension; and whether the Local Government Board were aware that he is nearly blind and unable to work at his trade?


This application was refused on the ground that the joint means of John Crowe and his wife exceeded 19s. 6d. a week. I am informed that the description of John Crowe in the question is not correct.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he can state the number of applications received by the Listowel Old Age Pensions Committee for the additional 2s. 6d. pension over and above the amount already paid; how many of these additional 2s. 6d. applicants have been passed by the local committee; and whether he can state how many recommendations of the Listowel Old Age Pensions Committee have been objected to or reported against by the pension officers, and how many have been granted and refused by the Local Government Board?


The inquiries which are being made into this matter are not completed.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland why Martin Kavanagh, Dornoney, Adamstown, South Wexford, a labourer, seventy-eight years of age, without any means whatever except the shelter of a house from a farmer for looking after a few cattle, has been refused the increased old age pension; and will he see that his case is reconsidered with a view to do justice to this poor man?


The case of Martin Kavanagh, Adamstown, South Wexford, does not appear to have come before the Local Government Board. A man of the same name but of a different address complained that an application for an additional allowance had been refused, and he was informed that the Board were not authorised to entertain appeals against the decisions of local committees in such cases.

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