HC Deb 31 October 1916 vol 86 c1571W

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that a number of non-commissioned officers and men transferred from first-line Territorial regiments to second and third-line Territorial regiments soon after the outbreak of war because of their refusal to volunteer for overseas service, subsequently obtained commissions, and have in some cases been sent out to replace casualties in first-line regiments and placed over the heads of officers who volunteered from the first and, in addition, have seen service; and if this practice can be made to cease?


Commissions were granted in certain cases under the circumstances described to complete the establishment of second and third-line units. If the officers referred to got direct commissions in a higher rank than that of second lieutenant, steps are now being taken to adjust any injustice that may have arisen. If, however, they only had temporary rank, their seniority in the first line should have been readjusted on their joining that line.