HC Deb 31 October 1916 vol 86 cc1574-5W

asked the Secretary of State for India what is the nature of the work undertake Q by Professor Ethé an unnaturalised German subject, in connection with his department; and what is the basis of his remuneration?


Professor Ethé has been engaged since 1872 in compiling a catalogue of the Persian MSS. in the Library of the India Office. The first volume of this catalogue was completed in 1901, since which date no payment has been made to him. The honorarium for the second volume is to stand over until its completion and has not been fixed.


asked the Home Secretary whether Professor Ethé, the unnaturalised German who is employed by the Government, has offered any reason why he has not become a naturalised British subject notwithstanding the long period during which he has accepted this country's hospitality; and has he any information as to the date of Professor Ethé's last visit to Germany?


The answer to the first part of the question is, so far as I am aware, in the negative. I understand that Dr. Ethé was in Germany during the summer vacation of 1914.